Our courses on Lateral Thinking

Our courses on Lateral Thinking

Our courses are aimed to allow you to independently use the various "Lateral Thinking" tools, through which you can generate new ideas. You will also be taught how to organise and model the ideas generated, making them functional and usable to achieve your goals, as well as how to enhance them and carry out their final evaluation in relation to the objectives you intend to achieve.

You will be issued a manual in e-book format in Italian, a manual in e-book format in English and an access to the de Bono’s interactive platform.

Professor Franco Angeloni

Distance or face-to-face courses

Our courses, either in Italian or in English, are held both online, through Zoom platform, and face-to-face, at your or at my place of work.

Certificate of attendance

At the end of the course, a de Bono certificate of attendance will be issued.



To facilitate your decisions, we indicate below the main advantages that you will achieve attending our courses on "Lateral Thinking".

You will be able, independently, to identify one or more objectives you intend to achieve, to redefine and refine them and, subsequently, to generate new ideas to achieve them. You will also be able to organise, model, enhance and select the various ideas generated for the best realisation of the objectives you have identified.

In addition to the training activity, we also offer facilitation services, through which we will give assistance to the clients who have already attended our courses and who want to have our support in determined phases or moments of their activities, and consulting services, through which we provide direct consultation in relation to determined issues that our clients have difficulties in solving.

Do you want to empower your thinking?

Professor Franco Angeloni is also available to carry out short demonstration sessions free of charge during which he will illustrate the services offered.

Empower Thinking